
Table Of Contents
2. Click a data field that contains text, or add such a data field to the script with the Add field
button on the right.
Under Format you can choose one of the following options:
Custom Pattern opens a dialog in which you can enter a custom pattern the date
(and, optionally, the time). The dialog shows an example of a date formatted
according to the given pattern.
Do not put the pattern in quotes. For possible patterns see "Date and time patterns"
on page1065.
Note that this will only work if the type of the field has been set to Date in the Data
Mapping Configuration and if the field contains a valid date.
Default Date displays the date with the default pattern for the current Locale.
Short Date displays the day, month and year in two digits each, for example
Medium Date displays the day and month in two digits each and the year in four
digits, for example 01.04.2016. (This is also the value of the Default Date.)
Long Date displays the day as a number, the month's full name and the year in four
digits, for example 1. April 2016.
Short Time displays a time in hours and minutes in two digits each, for example
Medium Time displays a time in hours, minutes and seconds in two digits each, for
example 00:00:00. (This is also the value of the Default Time.)
Long Time displays a time in hours, minutes and seconds in two digits each, and
adds a time zone, for example 00:00:00 EDT.
Short Date/Time displays the date as a short date and the time as a short time, for
example 01.04.16 00:00.
Medium Date/Time displays the date as a medium date and the time as a medium
time, for example 01.04.2016 00:00:00 (This is also the value of the Default
Long Date/Time displays the date as a medium date and the time as a medium
time, for example 1. April 2016 00:00:00 EDT.
4. Close the Script Wizard. For a new script, don’t forget to add the selector to the template.
Font style
Text originating from variable data can be displayed in uppercase, lowercase or proper case.
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