
Table Of Contents
scripts normally run, whether or not their placeholder or selector is present in your template. It is
highly recommended to disable any script that is not relevant to specific sections or contexts.
When you disable a folder, all scripts in the folder will be disabled.
To enable or disable a script or a folder:
On the Scripts pane, right-click the script or the folder and click Disable (if the script or
folder was enabled) or Enable (if the script or folder was disabled).
For more ways to optimize scripts, see "Optimizing scripts" on page701.
Import/export scripts
Scripts can be exported - one at a time - for use in other templates. To do this:
On the Scripts pane, click on a script, and then click the Export button, or right-click a
script and select Export.
Give the script a name and click OK.
To import a script in a template:
On the Scripts pane, click the Import button. Find the script and click OK
Files that a script may refer to, such as images, snippets and fonts, are not exported or imported
together with a script.
Test the script to make sure that all files are present in the template and that the script's selector
matches something in the content of the template; see "Testing scripts" below.
Testing scripts
The quickest way to test that scripts work as expected, is to click the Preview tab at the bottom
of the workspace.
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