
Table Of Contents
Task See topic Field/function of
section object
l Select one print section
as PDF attachment if the
output is to be emailed,
and another print section
if the output is to be
at the examples in the
following topic: "section" on
Add sections dynamically "Dynamically adding sections
(cloning)" on page721.
Add a header to an email "section" on page1084,
example: "Adding custom
ESP handling instructions" on
Control Script: Page numbering
This topic explains how to write a Control Script that changes the page numbering in Print
sections. Note that when you add a Control Script, it already contains a script to make the page
numbering continue over all Print sections.
For information about Control Scripts in general, see "Control Scripts" on page711 and
"Control Script API" on page1077. If you don't know how to write scripts, see "Writing your own
scripts" on page689.
How to change page numbering in a control script
A Control Script can make the page numbering continue over all Print sections or let it restart
on a section. This is done by setting the restartPageNumber field on a section to true or false.
For example: merge.template.contexts.PRINT.sections['Section 2'].restartPageNumber =
true;. (Also see "section" on page1084 and "Control Script API" on page1077.)
Page numbering starts with page 1 for each section. If for a section restartPageNumber is set to
false, that section will start with the page number following the last page of the previous
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