
Table Of Contents
For Web sections, a part always consists of only the given section. Web pages cannot be appended
to form a single part. It is however possible to attach multiple Web pages to one email; see the
following example.
Controlling multiple Email attachments
The following script attaches the following sections to an email:
l Print section 3 + 4 as attachment with continued page numbers
l Print section 6 as separate attachment
l Web sections A and B as separate attachments
if (channel == Channel.EMAIL) { // only when generating Email
if (merge.context.type == ContextType.PRINT) {
merge.context.sections['Section 1'].enabled = false;
merge.context.sections['Section 2'].enabled = false;
merge.context.sections['Section 3'].enabled = true;
merge.context.sections['Section 3'].part = "PDFAttach1";
merge.context.sections['Section 4'].enabled = true;
merge.context.sections['Section 4'].restartPageNumber = false;
merge.context.sections['Section 5'].enabled = false;
merge.context.sections['Section 6'].enabled = true;
merge.context.sections['Section 6'].part = "PDFAttach2";
} else if (merge.context.type == ContextType.WEB) {
merge.context.sections['default Section'].enabled = false; //
disable whatever is the default section
merge.context.sections['Section A'].enabled = true;
merge.context.sections['Section A'].part = "WebPartA";
merge.context.sections['Section B'].enabled = true;
merge.context.sections['Section B'].part = "WebPartB";
For another example, see this how-to: Output sections conditionally.
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