
Table Of Contents
Axis group:
Color: Enter a color for the value axis. The color value must be a valid hexademical
color (HTML Hex Color) or a predefined CSS color (CSS color names). (Equivalent
to the axisColor property; see: axisColor.)
Opacity: Enter the opacity in percentage for the axis. 100 is fully opaque, 0 is
transparent. Set opacity to 0 to hide the axis. (Equivalent to the axisAlpha
property of the ValueAxis; see: axisAlpha.)
Thickness: Enter the thickness of the axis. (Equivalent to the axisThickness
property of the ValueAxis; see: axisThickness.)
Labels: Check this option to make the labels on the value axis visible. This is often useful
in rotated charts. (Equivalent to the labelsEnabled property of the ValueAxis; see:
Frequency: Defines per how many grid lines a label will be placed. (Equivalent to
the labelFrequency property of the ValueAxis; see: labelFrequency.)
Category Axis tab
Settings on the Category Axis tab correspond to properties of the CategoryAxis class in the
amCharts library; see: CategoryAxis.
Title group:
Label: Enter a label for the category axis (the X axis, or the Y axis if the graph is
rotated).(Equivalent to the title property; see: title.)
Bold: Check if you want the title to be bold. (Equivalent to the titleBold property;
see: titleBold.)
Color: Enter a custom color for the label (default is black). The color value must be
a valid hexademical color (HTML Hex Color) or a predefined CSS color (CSS color
names). (Equivalent to the titleColor property; see: titleColor.)
Font Size: Enter a font size for the title. (Equivalent to the titleFontSize
property; see: titleFontSize.)
Grid group:
Color: Enter a color for the grid lines that divide the category axis. The color value
must be a valid hexademical color (HTML Hex Color) or a predefined CSS color
(CSS color names). (Equivalent to the gridColor property; see: gridColor.)
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