
Table Of Contents
l Options
Case sensitive: Use a case sensitive search, which differentiates TEXT from text
or TexT.
Wrap search: Loop back from the end of the template or selection to its beginning,
when the Search is at the end of the template or the selection.
Whole word: Searches for the source string as a whole word.
Incremental: With this option selected, each letter you type in the Find field causes
the editor focus to move to the first complete occurrence of the text you are typing.
Regular expressions: Enables regular expressions for a search in the Source
view of the workspace. After checking this option, you can type Ctrl + Space in
either text box to view a list of regular expressions.
The Find/Replace dialog can fill in regular expressions in the Find field by
itself. Open the dialog, check the option Regular expressions and close the
dialog again. Select the text you want to search for and reopen the dialog: the
Find field will now contain the regular expression for the text to find.
Find: Click to find the next instance of the source string.
Replace/Find: Click to replace the current instance with the replacement text and go to
the next instance of the source string.
Replace: Click to replace the current instance with the replacement text.
Replace All: Click to replace all instances of the source string with the replacement text.
Close: Close the dialog.
Font Manager
The Fonts Manager contains the fonts that were added to the template manually. It essentially
lists the fonts located in the Fonts folder of the Resources pane (see "Fonts" on page651).
Fonts with the same file name with a different extension are considered variations of the same
font. For example, if there are three files, named gotham-book-webfont.eot, gotham-book-
webfont.ttf, gotham-book-webfont.woff, only "gotham-book-webfont" appears in the Name
column of this dialog.
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