
Table Of Contents
2. Copy all the PlanetPress Suite 7 Documents and Compiled forms (*.ptk and *.ptz) from
the Documents folder on the PlanetPress Suite computer and paste them into the
equivalent folder on the Connect Workflow Computer.
The PlanetPress Suite 7 folder would be "C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress
Suite 7\PlanetPress Watch\Documents".
The PlanetPress Connect Workflow 8 folder will be "C:\ProgramData\Objectif
Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\PlanetPress Watch\Documents"
Use the File > Send To menu option in PlanetPress Suite Designer and select the
PlanetPress Connect Workflow 8 to which you want to send the PlanetPress Suite
Designer document.
This should work with PlanetPress Suite versions 6 and 7.
Make sure that ports 5863 and 5864 are not blocked by firewall on either machine.
Also make sure you add the PlanetPress Suite machine’s IP address to the permissions
list in Connect Workflow 8 from Tools > Access Manager.
Further information about Workflow Access Manager can be found here: Access
Windows Operating System Steps:
l Install all the Windows printer queues from the old computer, making sure they are named
the same.
l If your existing documents referenced any local dynamic image resources in a folder or in
Local Host, make sure that you import them onto the new computer as well, or make them
available on a network accessible drive.
l Any special Postscript or TrueType fonts used will also need be installed on the new
l Verify that you have access to any other resources that the PlanetPress Suite used. This
includes network folders, printers, third party software and the like.
Workflow Plug-ins
Back up any custom PlanetPress Suite Workflow configuration Plug-ins (.dll) and copy them
onto the new computer.
The PlanetPress Suite Workflow plug-ins folder can be found here:
"C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Suite 7\PlanetPress Watch\Plugins".
Make sure that you copy only the custom plug-ins.
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