
Table Of Contents
Color: Type in the color in which to display text. The color value must be a valid
hexademical color (HTML Hex Color) or a predefined CSS color (CSS color
names). (Equivalent to the color property; see: color.)
Slice Colors Group
Settings made in this group override the settings made in the Chart wizard (see
"Selecting data in a Business Graphic script" on page577).
Base Color: Enter a valid HTML hexadecimal color value (HTML Hex Color). When
a Base Color is set, it will be the color of the first slice and the colors of all other
slices are based on this color. (Equivalent to the baseColor property; see:
To set a color for each data field individually, leave this option empty and edit the
script that fills the Pie Chart (see "Selecting data in a Business Graphic script" on
Brightness Step: Enter the amount of brightness to change on each new slice.
Positive values increase the brightness (max: 100), negative values decrease the
brightness (minimum: -100). Default is 10. (Equivalent to the brightnessStep
property; see: brightnessStep.)
Slice Outline Group: Determines whether an outline should be added to each slice of the
Width: Select the width of the outline for each pie slice. (Equivalent to the
outlineThickness property; see: outlineThickness.)
Color: Enter a valid HTML hexadecimal color value (HTML Hex Color) or a
predefined CSS color (CSS color names) for the outline. (Equivalent to the
outlineColor property; see: outlineColor.)
Opacity: Enter the opacity of the outline. 100 is fully opaque, 0 is transparent.
(Equivalent to the outlineAlpha property; see: outlineAlpha.)
Pie tab
Settings on the Pie tab correspond to properties of the AmPieChart class in the amCharts library;
see: AmPieChart.
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