
Table Of Contents
Pie Group: Defines how the pie chart is displayed in the template.
Radius: Enter the radius of the Pie Chart as a percentage of the shortest length of
the containing <div> object (e.g. 30%) or in pixels. (Equivalent to the radius
property; see: radius.)
Hole Radius: Enter the radius of the center of the Pie Chart to remove, in pixels or
as a percentage. The hole radius removes the center of the chart, creating a
doughnut hole pie chart. (Equivalent to the innerRadius property; see:
Start Angle: Enter the starting angle of the first slice of the chart, between 0 and 360
(decimals are allowed). This essentially rotates the Pie Chart. Note that if a 3D
effect is added to the chart, the only accepted values are 90 or 270 degrees.
(Equivalent to the startAngle property; see: startAngle.)
3D Group: Creates a 3D effect if both settings in this group are higher than 0.
Depth: The depth of the Pie. (Equivalent to the depth3D property; see: depth3D.)
Angle: The Pie lean angle. This must be a value between 0 - 90. (Equivalent to the
angle property; see: angle.)
Labels tab
Settings on the Label tab correspond to properties of the AmPieChart class in the amCharts
library; see: AmPieChart.
Labels Group: Defines how the label text is shown.
Text: Enter the text to use to display labels. The default display is [[title]]:
[[percents]]%. Variables can be used to display specific data, <br> can be used to
create a new line:
l [[title]] : Refers to the field label.
l [[percents]] : Contains the percentage of the Pie chart the value represents.
l [[value]] : Contains the numerical value of the field.
l Any text: Adding text (such as a dollar sign or column, etc) will make it appear
in each label.
(Equivalent to the labelText property; see: labelText.)
Radius: The distance between the label and the slice, in pixels. You can use
negative values to put the label on the slice. (Equivalent to the labelRadius
property; see: labelRadius.)
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