
Table Of Contents
Apply: This option Applies the settings made within the current Preferences page, but
does not close the Preferences dialog.
Profile Scripts dialog
The Script Profiler is accessible through the Context >Profile Scripts menu option. It runs the
scripts in the template, using the current record, in order to verify the speed at which scripts in
the "Scripts pane" on page846 execute. It helps greatly in troubleshooting performance issues
caused by scripting (see also: "Testing scripts" on page697).
When the dialog opens, the script profiler runs automatically, on 1000 instances of all the
scripts by default (this can be changed through the "Scripting Preferences" on page790).
The script profiler can take a while, so please be patient.
The results are shown as follows (the first in the line is indicated as Total and represents the
totals of all the scripts underneath, representing a good overview of the scripts performance in
the template):
Name: The name of the script being executed.
Count: As the profiler runs, Count shows the current number of iterations that have been
run. This goes up to the total number of set instances and then stops. Hover with your
mouse to display a tooltip indicating in which sections the scripts has run (and in which
Elapsed: Displays the total elapsed time since the start of the session. The table entries
are initially sorted based on the values in this column, from high to low. Hovering the
mouse over it will display a tooltip that indicates the breakdown of the execution time
across different execution stages.
Delta: Displays the estimated difference in performance between the current session and
the previous session. Uses average values, so should still work if the previous session
was stopped after a different number of iterations. Will be empty if no previous data is
available. Hover with your mouse to display a tooltip indicating the breakdown of the
execution time across different execution stages.
Page 792