
Table Of Contents
For a description of how to test your email for different email clients, see this how-to:
Test your emails with Litmus. For more information on Litmus, please see
For a detailed description of how to use Mandrill with Connect to send and track emails, see the
following how-to: Using Mandrill.
Generating Email output from Workflow
Here's how to generate Email output from Workflow:
1. Send the required files to PlanetPress Workflow: the template that contains the Email
context, and any data mapping configuration that you want to use to extract data from a
data file. See: " Sending files to Workflow" on page378.
If the input data is JSON, a data mapping configuration isn't needed.
2. Create a process in PlanetPress Workflow with the following plugins:
l An Input task to start the process and capture a data file.
l An Execute Data Mapping task to extract data from the data file and generate a valid
record set (see Workflow Help: Execute DataMapping). This is where you select the
appropriate data mapping configuration.
Alternatively, if the data has already been extracted, you could use a Retrieve Items
task to retrieve existing items from the Connect database (see Workflow Help:
Retrieve Items).
If the data file is a JSON file you don't need an Execute Data Mapping task or
Retrieve Items task at all; JSON data can be used as input.
l A Create Email Content task with the appropriate settings (see Workflow Help:
Create Email Content). This is where you select the template.
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