
Table Of Contents
Expected remote engines: Only available for editing on PReSConnect Server
when Clustering is active (as determined by Connect license).
Speed units launched: Read-only box indicating the number of speed units
Limit in license: Read-only box indicating the maximum number of speed units
useable for producing output.
Reserved Count: Read-only box indicating the total number of "Reserved"
engines, as set in theSpeed unit reservations topic below.
Parallel speed units per job group: If a specific type of job has more than one parallel
speed unit assigned to it, that multiplies its speed, however it reduces the number of jobs
that can be run simultaneously, since each engine needs at least one speed unit in order
to run (see "Speed quota: PPM and speed units" on page115).
When you do run 2 or more Weaver engines, parallel output creation is only possible if
each engine has access to speed units. Therefore you will need to divide the available
parallel speed units between medium and large print jobs.
If a large job is using all speed units to produce output, then any other print job will be
queued until the large job is processed, even if a Weaver engine is available.
Parallel speed units per medium job: Enter the number of speed units to use
when handling a medium print job.
Parallel speed units per large job: Enter the number of speed units to use when
handling a large print job.
Parallel engines per job group: This area determines how many Weaver engines are
used for each print job of a particular size. Small print jobs always get just one engine.
Parallel engines per medium print job: Enter the number of engines that will co-
operate on a medium print job.
Parallel engines per large print job: Enter the number of engines that will co-
operate on a large print job.
Speed unit reservations:
Floating: Edit box for selecting the number of floating speed units that can be used
for any type of job
Small job speed unit reservations: Enter a number of speed units reserved for
small print jobs.
Medium job speed unit reservations: Enter a number of speed units reserved for
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