
Table Of Contents
Post Pagination Improvements 1293
Barcode Improvements 1293
Business Graphics Improvements 1294
General Designer Improvements 1295
Connect 2018.2 DataMapping Updates 1297
Ignore Blank Lines 1297
Dynamic SQL Queries 1297
Set Data Fields as Not Required 1298
Landscape PDF Input 1298
Dynamic XPATH values 1298
General DataMapping Improvements: 1299
Connect 2018.2 Server Enhancements 1300
Engine Setup 1300
Automatic Engine Restarts 1300
Improvements for high workload situations 1301
Connect 2018.2 Output updates 1302
Important Information 1302
Font handling 1302
Email Output Improvements 1304
Print Output Improvements 1305
General Output Improvements 1305
Print Wizard and Preset Wizard Improvements 1306
Size grouping 1306
Impositioning 1308
Selective Inserts 1310
Workflow 2018.2 Updates 1311
New HTTPServer Input - NodeJS 1311
Process Grouping 1312
Connect All-in-One Improvements 1312
Create Job Improvements 1313
DataMapper Validation 1314
Improved Logging 1314
Connect Workflow Improvements: 1314
General Workflow Fixes and Improvements: 1315
Known Issues 1316
Previous Releases 1316
Overview 1316
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