
Table Of Contents
be added to extract the data from a particular region. The Extract steps could write their data to
the same field.
Data cannot be extracted more than once in any record, unless the Extract steps are mutually
exclusive. This is the case when they are located in different branches of a Condition step or
Multiple Conditions step.
Inside a Detail table, multiple Extract steps may extract the same data but each of them will
create a new child record in the Detail table.
If you tick the Append values to current record option when several steps are extracting the
same field, the step will error out.
Create and edit the Extract step in the 'true' branch, then right-click the step on the Steps pane, select
Copy Step, and paste the step in the 'false' branch. Now you only have to adjust the region from
which this Extract step extracts data.
To learn how to configure a Condition step or a Case in a Multiple Conditions step, see
"Configuring a Condition step" on page209.
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