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Value in raw data Mask to use
Tuesday, June 25, 2013 @ 7h31PM DD, MM dd, yyyy @ hh\hnnap
Entering a date using JavaScript
In several places in the DataMapper, Date values can be set through a JavaScript. For
In a field in the Data Model. To do this, go to the Steps pane and select an Extract step.
Then, on the Step properties pane, under Field Definition click the Add JavaScript Field
button (next to the Field List drop-down). Type the JavaScript in the Expression field. (To
rename the field, click the Order and rename fields button.)
In a Preprocessor property. To do this, go to the Steps pane and select the
Preprocessor step. Then, on the Step properties pane, under Properties add a property,
specify its Type as Date and put the JavaScript in the Default Value field.
The use of the JavaScript Date() object is necessary when creating dates through a JavaScript
expression. For more information, see w3schools - JavaScript Dates and w3schools - Date
The following script creates a date that is the current date + 30 days:
function addDays(date, days) {
var result = new Date(date);
result.setDate(result.getDate() + days);
return result;
addDays(new Date(), 30);
Floats are signed, numeric, floating-point numbers whose value has 15-16 significant digits.
Floats are routinely used for calculations. Note that Float values can only have up to 3
decimals. They are inherently imprecise: their accuracy varies according to the number of
significant digits being requested.
The Currency data type can have up to 4 decimals; see "Currency" on page232.
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