
Table Of Contents
l It is possible to put more than one string, as well as variables containing strings, by
concatenating them with the + operator. For example, "Hello " +
sourceRecord.property.FirstName + ", nice to meet you!".
l Adding more data to an existing string variable or field is possible using a combination of
concatenation and assignment. For example, after the statements var myVar = "Is
this the real life";, and myVar += " or is this just fantasy?";,
the value of myVar will be, obviously "Is this the real life or is this
just fantasy?".
For more information on string variables, see quicksmode.org.
Data Model file structure
The Data Model file is an XML file that contains the structure of the Data M model, including
each field's name, data type, and any number of detail tables and nested tables.
Example: promotional data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<datamodel schemaVersion="" name="Generic Address Block"
3.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<field type="string" name="Name" required="true"/>
<field type="string" name="Organization" required="true"/>
<field type="string" name="Address1" required="true"/>
<field type="string" name="Address2" required="true"/>
<field type="string" name="Address3" required="true"/>
<field type="string" name="City" required="true"/>
<field type="string" name="StateOrProvince" required="true"/>
<field type="string" name="Country" required="true"/>
<field type="string" name="ZipOrPostalCode" required="true"/>
<field type="string" name="Extra1" required="true"/>
<field type="string" name="Extra2" required="true"/>
Example: transactional details, in a simple invoice format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<datamodel schemaVersion="" name="Transactional Invoice"
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