
Table Of Contents
Data Model toolbar buttons
: Import Data Model: Click to browse to a file that contains a Data Model. This may
l A Data Model file (*.OL-datamodel).
l A JSON file (*.json; see the note below).
l A Connect template (*.OL-template), data mapping configuration (*.OL-datamapper)
or 'typed' JSON file (*.json; see the note below).
The file's data model structure will be displayed in the Data Model pane without data.
: Export Data Model: Click to browse to a location to save the Data Model file. The
available file types are:
l A Data Model file (*.OL-datamodel).
l A JSON file (*.json): A JSON object or an array of JSON objects representing
l A 'typed' JSON file (*.json). See the note below.
Typed JSON follows the structure of a JSON Record Data List (see the REST API
Cookbook). Data field types are determined by the schema object in the JSON.
: Synchronize Data Model: Click to synchronize the data model with the one currently
loaded in the open data mapping configuration. Disabled if no configuration is currently
: Show the ExtraData field. Note that this field is not meant to be filled via an
extraction. It is meant to be used in a Workflow configuration to add data to the Data
Model; see "Adding fields and data via Workflow" on page216.
Minimize/Maximize: Click to minimize or maximize the pane. See Moving and Merging
Data Model contextual menu
The Data Model is generally constructed by extracting data; see "Extracting data" on page181.
It is however possible to modify the Data Model, even if no data is present in the pane. To do
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