
Table Of Contents
value returned by the expression must be an integer higher than 0.
Use JavaScript Editor: Click to display the Edit Script dialog.
Collection (only with For Each): The XPath that specifies the level and (optionally)
elements to select on that level. To select elements you can either use static values, e.g.
./user[@lastname="Smith"] or JavaScript statements, for example: =./user
In order to use JavaScript:
The XPath must start with =
The JavaScript statement must be enclosed in curly brackets: { ... }
l All other curly brackets that are not part of the JavaScript code must be escaped
with a backslash.
l Single line comments (//...) in the code are not supported.
Note that since the XPath is a string, the return value of the JavaScript statement will be
interpreted as a string.
Rule Tree
The Rule tree subsection displays the full combination of rules (defined below under
Condition) as a tree, which gives an overview of how the conditions work together as well as
the result for each of these conditions for the current record or iteration.
First, the Condition List displays the conditions in list form, instead of the tree form above.
Three buttons are available next to the list:
Add condition: Click to create a new condition in the list. This will always branch the
current condition as an "AND" operator.
Delete condition: Delete the currently selected condition.
To rename a Condition, double click on its name from the Rule tree subsection .
Conditions are made by comparison of two operands using a specific Operator.
Both the Left and Right operands have the same properties.
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