
Table Of Contents
By default, measurements settings are in inches (in). You could also type measures in
centimeters (add 'cm' to the measurement, for example: 20cm) or in millimeters (for
example: 150mm).
To change the default unit for measurement settings to centimeters or millimeters: on the
menu, select Window > Preferences > Print > Measurements.
Whitespace elements: using optional space at the end of the last page
Print sections with conditional content and dynamic tables (see "Personalizing Content" on
page688) can have a variable amount of space at the bottom of the last page. It is useful to fill
the empty space at the bottom with transpromotional material, but of course you don’t want
extra pages created just for promotional data. 'Whitespace elements' are elements that will only
appear on the page if there is enough space for them.
To convert an element into a whitespace element:
1. Import the promotional image or snippet; see "Images" on page629 and "Snippets" on
2. Insert the promotional image or snippet in the content.
l Only a top-level element (for example, a paragraph that is not inside a table or
div) can function as a whitespace element.
l Do not place the promotional image or snippet inside an absolute positioned
box. Whitespacing only works for elements that are part of the text flow, not for
absolute-positioned boxes.
3. Select the image or the element that holds the promotional content: click it, or use the
breadcrumbs, or select it on the Outline tab; see "Selecting an element" on page550.
On the Attributes pane, check the option Whitespace element.
(Optional.) Add extra space at the top of the element: on the menu Format, click the
option relevant to the selected element (Image for an image, Paragraph for a paragraph,
etc.) and adjust the spacing (padding and/or margins).
Do not add an empty paragraph to provide space between the whitespace element and
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