
Table Of Contents
To cater for MySQL requirements, the installation path cannot contain any non
ASCIIcharacters (such as Asian language Unicode characters). Nor can it contain
characters that Windows disallows in filenames (such as '?', ''>' or trailing spaces).
If an invalid character is entered, the Installation Path entry box will turn red and a
description of the error will be displayed in the information area.
The installer can also calculate how much disk space is required for installing the selected
components as well as how much space is available:
Disk space required: Displays the amount of space required on the disk by the selected
Disk space available on drive: Displays the amount of space available for installation on
the drive currently in the Installation Path.
Recalculate disk space: Click to re-check available disk space. This is useful if space
has been made available for the installation while the installer was open.
Source repository location: Displays the path where the installation files are located.
This can be a local drive, installation media, or a network path.
Selection Confirmation
The next page confirms the installation selections made. Click Next to start the installation
End User License Agreement
The next page displays the End User License Agreement, which needs to be read and
accepted before clicking Next.
Configuring Supplied Database Connection
The Default Database Configuration page appears if the supplied MySQL Product module
was selected for installation in the Product Selection screen. It defines the administrative
password for the MySQL server as well as which port it uses for communication.
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