
Table Of Contents
available when editing an Email section in the Workspace.
2. Change the properties of the PDF file that will be attached when the Print context is
attached to the email.
Lossless is the maximum quality. Note that this will produce a larger PDF file. Uncheck
this option to be able to set a lower quality.
The quality is set in a percentage of the maximum quality.
Tile Size is the size of the files in which the image that is being compressed is divided. (If
the image height or width is not an even multiple of the tile size, partial tiles are used on
the edges.) Image data for each tile is individually compressed and can be individually
decompressed. When low Quality values are used to optimize images smaller than 1024
x 1024 pixels, using the largest tile size will produce better results.
Setting a default section for output
When generating output from the Email context, only one of the Email templates can be merged
with each record. One of the Email sections is the 'default'; see "Setting a default Email
template for output" on page449.
Email templates
Email templates (also called Email sections) are part of the Email context in a template. The
Email context outputs HTML email with embedded formatting to an email client through the use
of an email server. Since email clients are numerous and do not support same features, the
HTML generated by this context is not optimized for any specific client - rather, it's meant to be
compatible with as many clients and as many devices as possible.
In Email templates, many content elements can be used; see "Content elements" on page546.
However, special attention must be paid to the way elements are positioned. In Email sections,
it is advisable to position elements using Tables and to put text in table cells.
Email templates are personalized just like any other template; see "Variable Data" on
The subject, recipients (To, CC and BCC), sender and reply-to address are specified with
Email Script Wizards; see "Email header settings" on page450.
An Email context can contain multiple templates. When generating output from the Email
context, however, only one of the Email templates can be merged with each record. Set the
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