
Table Of Contents
Email header settings
An email header contains routing information, such as the sender, recipient/s and subject of
the message. This topic explains how to make settings for the header of an email that is
generated from an Email template.
The default Email SMTP settings and the sender's name and address are defined in the
Connect Designer preferences (see "Email Preferences" on page896). They can be adjusted
per run in the Send Email and Send Test Email dialogs.
Email Fields
The subject, the recipients (To, Cc and Bcc), the sender and the Reply to address can be
entered in the Email Fields at the top of the workspace. If the fields are not visible, click the
words 'Email Fields' (or the small plus before them) to expand the Email Fields area.
To use a variable email address in any of the fields, simply drag and drop a data field into the
email field.
The specified subject and addresses will be visible when viewing the email in the workspace in
Preview mode.
The To address must always be variable. This field is not used when you send a test email
(see "Generating Email output" on page1227).
Using a variable email address requires you to load data or a data mapping configuration first; see
"Loading data" on page690.
The Email Script Wizard
In addition to the drag and drop method, you can use the Email Script Wizard to add data to an
email header field. It lets you choose one or more data fields and enter a prefix and/or suffix
(per data field).
There are two ways to open the Email Script Wizard:
Via the Email Fields. Open the email section and expand the Email Fields at the top by
clicking Email Fields. Click the word before the email field that you want to set. If there
already is a script for that field, that script will be opened. Otherwise, a new script will be
created and opened.
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