
Table Of Contents
recap the form information and thank the user for feedback.
Thank You
The Thank You template displays a thank you message with some text and media links.
Blank web page
The Blank Web Page template is a very simple Foundation template that contains a top bar
menu and some basic contents to get you started.
Web Context
In the Designer the Web context is the folder that contains Web page templates.
Creating the Web context
You can start creating a Web template with a Wizard (see "Creating a Web template with a
Wizard" on page461), or add the Web context to an existing template (see "Adding a context"
on page390).
When a Web template is created the following happens:
The Web context is created and one Web page or section is added to it. You can see this
on the Resources pane: expand the Contexts folder, and then expand the Web folder.
See "Web pages" on the facing page to learn how to fill a web page template in the
Although only one web page can be generated per record when generating Web output,
the Web context can contain multiple sections. One section is created at the start, but you
can add more; see "Adding a Web page" on page467.
l A style sheet, named context_web_styles.css, is added to the template. If a Template
Wizard was used to create the template, Foundation style sheets are added as well. Style
sheets are located in the folder Stylesheets on the Resources pane. These style sheets
are meant to be used for styles that are only applied to elements in the Web context; see
"Styling and formatting" on page645.
Generating Web output
When the template is ready, you can:
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