
Table Of Contents
Alternatively, If you are familiar with HTML, you can open the Source tab of the Workspace and
simply type the HTML to add the Div elements and classes.
Use Emmet to create a Grid layout on the source tab really fast. See "Emmet" on page438.
Other Foundation components
Foundation comes with many other components to improve and embellish Web forms and
pages . A few examples:
An Accordion can be used to expand and collapse content that is broken into logical
sections, much like tabs. It can be very useful on long forms.
An Off-Canvas menu lets the user navigate between level 4 headings (<h4>) in a Web
page or form. Capture OnTheGo Template wizards offer the option to add this menu
Switches are toggle elements that switch between an Off and On state on tap or click.
They make use of checkbox inputs (or radio buttons) and require no javascript. Their size
can be adapted, to make them easy to use on a touch screen.
For a full overview and explanation of all Foundation components (v. 5), see this web page:
COTG Elements
With the Designer you can create Capture OnTheGo templates. COTG templates are used to
generate forms for the Capture OnTheGo mobile application. This topic is about Capture
OnTheGo form elements. For more information about the application refer to these websites:
Capture OnTheGo and Capture OnTheGo in the Resource Center.
Capture OnTheGo (COTG) elements can only be added within a Form element in a Web
context; see "COTG Forms" on page487. For information about how to add and use COTG
Elements, see "Using COTG Elements" on page511.
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