
Table Of Contents
database.schema = <schema name> (default value is objectiflune,
2b: Configuring an external Microsoft SQL Server database
Since PlanetPress Connect version 1.6 the minimum required version of the MS SQL
Server is SQLServer 2012.
To configure an external Microsoft SQL Server database, the following properties should be
database.type = Microsoft SQL Server (required)
database.host = <host> (default value is localhost, otherwise
database.port = <port> (default value is 1433, otherwise required)
database.username = <username> (default value is sa, otherwise
database.password = <password> (required)
database.schema = <schema name> (default value is objectiflune,
Repository selection
The Connect installation process requires a repository from which the installer copies (locally)
or downloads (online installation) all selected Connect products.
In Silent Installer mode, the installation process looks for the property product.repository in
the install.properties file and then proceeds with the following steps:
1. If the property exists, and its value contains an existing file location with a repository, the
installer will attempt to install from that repository.
2. If the property exists, and its value starts with http://, the installer will attempt to install from
that location. It will fail if no repository can be found at this location.
3. If none of the conditions mentioned in the previous steps are met, the installer will look
next for a local "repository" folder (located in the same folder as the running Installer
(Setup) executable file). If a repository is found, the installer will attempt to install from that
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