
Table Of Contents
selector; see "Using the Text Script Wizard" on page704 and "Styling and
formatting" on page645.
l "Hyperlink and mailto link" on page627
l "Barcode" on page552
l Web "Forms" on page619 and Web "Form Elements" on page624
l "Whitespace elements: using optional space at the end of the last page" on page419
(Print context only)
l "Page numbers " on page420 (Print context only)
l Article, Section, Header, Footer, Nav and Aside are HTML5 semantic elements; see
l Other HTML elements: Heading (H1 - H6), Address and Pre
To quickly change a paragraph into a Heading, place the cursor inside of it, or select the
paragraph (see: "Selecting an element" on page550). Then select the appropriate
element, either on the Format menu, or from the 'Element type' dropdown on the toolbar.
l "Snippets" on page642: a Snippet is a small, ready-to-use piece of content in a file
l Business graphics
Most elements are suitable for use in all contexts. There are a few exceptions, however. Forms
and Form elements can be used on web pages only, whereas Whitespace elements and Page
numbers can only be used in a Print context. Positioned boxes are well suited for Print
sections, but are to be avoided in the Email and Web context.
Whether it is best to use a Table or Box to position text, images and other elements, depends
on the context in which they are used; see "How to position elements" on page662 for more
Editing HTML
When you add elements, such as text, images or a table, to the content of a template, you are
actually constructing an HTML file.
To see this, toggle to the Design tab in the workspace. Click anywhere in the content. Take a
look at the breadcrumbs at the top of the workspace. The breadcrumbs show the HTML tag of
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