
Table Of Contents
COTG Servers preferences
By allowing one or more Capture OnTheGo servers to be set up, this option anticipates the
release of a Capture OnTheGo On Premise Server product.
Name: Enter a unique name.
URL: Enter a valid URL (including the protocol, e.g. http://).
Restore Defaults: Removes all custom servers from the list and resets to the default
Capture OnTheGo server.
The COTGServers Preferences also provides you with buttons to :
l Restore Defaults. This option restores the preferences to Defaults. This applies to the
current Preferences page only, but not other Preferences.
Apply: This option Applies the settings made within the current Preferences page, but
does not close the Preferences dialog.
Clean-up Service preferences
The Clean-up Service defines how the Connect database and the temporary files created
during Connect production runs are cleaned up after the production run has finished.
As part of the job production process PlanetPress Connect uses a database for intermediate
storage and also creates various temporary "managed" files. These files include data
extractions, configuration files and any intermediate files created during the production process.
Connect keeps track of all these files through references held within the Connect database.
All the files created and the database references to them are stored for a set amount of time in
order to allow Connect to reuse them. However, we do not want to store these indefinitely,
because the database would run out of space. The solution is to use the "Clean-up Service" to
remove the temporary data and files once they are no longer needed. This clean-up service is
usually managed by the Server Engine.
The more items that are present in the database, and the larger they are, the more time and
processing power (CPU) that will be required for cleaning them up. Thus a regular Clean-up of
the database (as often as possible)is recommended.
This is especially the case if items are not going to be retrieved from the database at a later
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