
Table Of Contents
l Restore Defaults. This option restores the preferences to Defaults. This applies to the
current Preferences page only, but not other Preferences.
Apply: This option Applies the settings made within the current Preferences page, but
does not close the Preferences dialog.
Editing preferences
These preferences define different editing options in the Designer module.
Object Resizing for <div> elements: This defines in which contexts to enable the
resizing of <div> elements (including Positioned and Inline boxes). Resizing <div>
elements may cause layouts to produce undesirable results especially when using
Foundation templates.
Enable for Print Context: Check to enable <div> resizing in the Print contexts.
Enable for Web Context: Check to enable <div> resizing in the Web contexts.
Enable for Email Context: Check to enable <div> resizing in the Email contexts.
Detail tables preview limit
Maximum number of records to show in preview: This setting limits the number
of records to show in detail tables in both the Designer (Preview tab) and
Datamapper. The lower this number, the shorter the time before the preview or the
next record will appear.
CSS options
A CSS preprocessor is a CSS extension language that allows you to enhance CSS with code
(variables, for example) and then compile it into plain CSS. CSS Preprocessor Sass is
integrated in Connect.
For more information about Sass, see: Sass website.
The CSS options relate to the way Sass (.scss) files are compiled in Connect. See also: "Using
a Sass file" on page650.
Output style: This setting determines the use of spaces and indentation in the compiled
CSS file. For examples of the available output styles, see: Sass reference: Output style.
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