
Table Of Contents
l <name> the name (name) and data value of the data field (type of either
string, number, or boolean)
l tables a list of any nested data tables in the data record, consisting of an object
with one or more name/value pairs:
l <name> the name (name) of the data table and a list the data records it
contains, consisting of an array of objects each with the following
name/value pairs:
l id a required/default fixed value of 0 for all data records (type of
l fields a list of the data fields in the data record and their
corresponding data values, consisting of an object with one or more
name/value pairs:
l <name> the name (name) and data value of the data field (type of
either string, number, or boolean)
l host the network address or name of the SMTP mail server through which emails will
be sent. If required, a server port value can also be specified (type of string)
l user the user name to authenticate with (if using authentication) (type of string)
l password the password to authenticate with (if using authentication) (type of string)
l sender the email address to be shown as the sender in the email output (type of string)
l useAuth parameter to specify if authentication is to be used with the mail server (type of
l useStartTLS parameter to specify if Transport Layer Security (TLS) is to be used when
sending emails (type of boolean)
l useSender parameter to specify if the sender address will be used as the receiver
address for all emails in the output (type of boolean)
l attachWebPage parameter to specify if a single HTML web page (with embedded
resources) of the Web context should also be created and attached to the email output
(type of boolean)
l attachPdfPage parameter to specify if a PDF of the Print context should also be created
and attached to the email output (type of boolean)
The following is an example of this structure:
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