
Table Of Contents
Service Version 452
File Store Service 453
Service Handshake 454
Download Managed File or Directory 455
Delete Managed File or Directory 457
Upload Data Mapping Configuration 459
Upload Job Creation Preset 461
Upload Data File 463
Upload Design Template 465
Upload Output Creation Preset 467
Service Version 469
Content Creation (HTML) Service 470
Service Handshake 471
Process Content Creation (By Data Record) 472
Process Content Creation (By Data Record) (JSON) 474
Process Content Creation (By Data) (JSON) 476
Process Content Creation (No Data) 478
Get Template Resource 480
Service Version 482
Job Creation Service 483
Service Handshake 484
Process Job Creation 485
Process Job Creation (JSON) 487
Process Job Creation (JSON Job Set Structure) 489
Get All Operations 491
Get Progress of Operation 492
Get Result of Operation 494
Cancel an Operation 496
Service Version 497
Job Entity Service 498
Service Handshake 499
Get Content Items for Job 500
Get Job Segments for Job 502
Get Job Metadata Properties 503
Update Job Metadata Properties 505
Get Job Properties 507
Update Job Properties 509
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