
Table Of Contents
Workflow Operations
Each individual process in the overall workflow can potentially be a long running operation.
Accordingly, there are two types of workflow operations possible in the PlanetPress Connect
l Asynchronous the operation is initiated, monitored, and the result returned using
multiple requests (Default)
l Synchronous the operation is initiated and the result returned using a single request
Asynchronous Operations
Asynchronous workflow operations require the submission of an initial HTTP request to initiate
the operation. Then additional requests are required to monitor progress and retrieve the final
result. All the required detail is included in the HTTP response headers of the initial request,
including the URIs that should be used for further processing.
A successful request will return a response that will include the headers listed in the following
Header Description
operationId The unique id of the operation being processed
Link Contains multiple link headers which provide details on which URI to use to
retrieve further information on the operation:
l Header with rel="progress" The URL to use to check the progress of
the operation
l Header with rel="result" The URL to use to retrieve the result of the
l Header with rel="cancel" The URL to use to cancel the operation
A request made to the progress URI during processing will return a progress percentage value
of 0 to 100, and finally the value of done’ once the operation has completed.
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