
Table Of Contents
Selector Matched element Matched element after script execution
p <p>Hello world</p> <p class="foo bar">Hello world</p>
Insert contentafter each element in the set of HTML elements that match the selector of the
script or of another query in the template (see "query()" on page1349).See also: " Examples"
on page1304.
Insert content after each element in the set of HTML elements that match the selector of the
script, or of another query in the template (see "query()" on page1349).After creates a new
result set.
String, HTML string or result set to insert after the matched elements. In case a plain text
string is provided, it is automatically wrapped in a <span> element to avoid orphan text nodes
to appear in the <body> element.
This script looks up an element with the ID #salesrep and inserts a paragraph after it.
query("#salesrep").after("<p>Lorem ipsum</p>");
Matched element Matched element after script execution
<p id="salesrep">Peter Parker</p> <p id="salesrep">Peter Parker</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum</p>
This script looks up an element with the ID #salesrep, sets its text color to red and inserts a
paragraph after it.
query("#salesrep").after("<p>Lorem ipsum</p>").css("color","red");
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