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query("#callout p").css('color' , 'red');
The following script does the same, but it only sets the text color to red if in the current record
the value of the field 'accounttype' is 'PRO'.
if(record.fields.accounttype == "PRO") {
query("#callout p").css("color","red");
This script sets the text color of the results to a hexadecimal color code.
results.css('color' , '#669900');
This script loads a snippet into a variable. Then it finds/replaces text in the snippet and applies
a css property to the replacing text.
var mysnippet = loadhtml('snippets/snippet vars.html');
mysnippet.find('@var@').text('OL Connect').css('text-
Function to set one or multiple CSS properties.
Array; map of property-value pairs to set.
This script colors the text of the results (the set of HTML elements that match the selector of
the script) red and makes it bold.
results.css({'color' : 'red', 'font-weight' : 'bold'});
Remove the contents (child elements and inner HTML) from one element or a set of elements in
the template.
Use remove() to remove the elements themselves.
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