
Table Of Contents
possible when you use Imposition.
With Booklet Imposition, however, the output can be separated on all levels.
Additional content
Via an Output Creation Preset, content - Text, Images, Barcodes and OMRMarks - can be
added to the output at the time of output creation. The additional content can be either static or
variable (see "Page breakdown" on page1195).
Additional content is particularly useful when you might need to drive custom processes on
production machines using either Barcodes or OMRMarks, or if you need to add some last
minute additions to the print job via text and/or images.
It helps to keep print production specific additions out of the templates, so templates don't have
to be changed if production equipment or postal delivery requirements change.
In additional content you may use the meta data that was included during job creation (see
"Include meta data" on page1418).
When you combine Imposition with additional content, the content needs to be added to
every page - not once per sheet - in order to have access to the meta data on all levels. If
the option Output once per sheet is checked, only the meta data at the Job Segment
level will be available.
Inserter marks
Inserter marks can be added to the print output in accordance with the settings in an Output
Creation Preset (see "Inserter options" on page1190). The available options are dependent on
the selected High Capacity Feeder (HCF) model. These machines are also commonly referred
to as Inserters or Folder-Inserters.
If no HCF file is available for a particular inserter machine, adding OMR Marks and barcodes as
Additional Content is an alternate way to drive an inserter (see "Additional content" above).
Print Using Advanced Printer Wizard
The Advanced Printer Wizard allows you to select from any and all output settings.
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