
Table Of Contents
The Workflow Service Console lets you start and stop the different services, except the
Connect server, and see their log files (see Workflow Service Console).
Note that Workflow isn't limited to Connect functionality. It was originally developed as part of
the PlanetPress Suite. Many of the plugins in the Workflow configuration tool are older than
Connect. They were left in for compatibility reasons, even though they aren't all useful or usable
within Connect. However, the Connect plugins cannot be used with the PlanetPress Suite
The Connect server
As opposed to the Workflow server, the Connect server was designed to be used only with
Connect. The Connect server performs several different tasks, all of which are related to
Connect content and content management:
It communicates with the Workflow service (with the Connect plugins, specifically) and with the
Designer when output is generated from the Designer. It creates records (by extracting data
from a data source using a data mapping configuration), and jobs. It communicates with the
engines (see below) in order to make them create content items and output (spool) files.
The Connect server is one of the components that has to be installed with Connect (see
"Installation Wizard" on page44).
In the Workflow Configuration Tool preferences you have to set the OL Connect server settings
to enable Workflow to communicate with the server (see Workflow Preferences).
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