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Backend database might require periodic maintenance
Databases maintain a variety of statistics in order to optimize performance. When high levels of
inserts and/or deletions occur, the statistical data keeping can struggle to keep up. Over a
period of prolonged and intensive processing this can result in a degradation in performance,
with the whole database slowing down as it struggles to clean itself up.
In Connect terms the effect can be felt as the Data Mapper and/or Job Creation progressively
slowing down.
To cure this issue, it is recommended that you periodically run manual maintenance on the
backend database.
If using MS-SQL, you can run the following command in a query window:
set @a=null,@c=null,@b=concat("show tables where",ifnull(concat(" `Tables_in_
",database(),"` like '",@c,"' and"),'')," (@a:=concat_ws(',',@a,`Tables_in_
Prepare `bd` from @b;
set @a:=concat('optimize table ',@a);
PREPARE `sql` FROM @a;
EXECUTE `sql`;
set @a=null,@b=null,@c=null;
If using MySQL, the following script should be run in a query window:
Windows 10 Search service impacting Connect
The Windows 10 Search service runs as a background task, indexing files and folders. It has
been noted that this background task is sometimes preventing files being added to the Connect
temporary files folder when large amounts of files are being output and copied.
If this is an issue for you, we suggest disabling Search Indexing on the
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