
Table Of Contents
Generating Email output from Connect Designer 1440
Generating Email output from Workflow 1441
Aborting content creation 1442
Using an ESP with PlanetPress Connect 1442
Generating Web output 1448
Web output settings in the Web context and sections 1449
Attaching Web output to an Email template 1450
Generating Web output from Workflow 1451
Aborting content creation 1451
Optimizing a template 1452
Scripts 1452
Images 1453
License Update Required for Upgrade to Connect 2019.x 1454
Backup before Upgrading 1455
Overview 1456
OLConnect 2019.2 Enhancements 1457
Windows Server 2019 now officially supported 1457
Performance Scheduling settings simplified and improved 1457
Saving Connect files for different versions 1459
Improved PDFSigning 1459
Named parameters in Job Presets 1460
Performance Improvements 1460
Installer Improvements 1461
Barcode Improvements 1462
General Improvements 1462
Connect 2019.2 Designer Improvements 1463
Import resources from other Connect jobs 1463
Simplified use of dynamic background images 1464
Improved white-space behaviour 1464
Scripting Improvements 1465
Script Debugger Improvements 1465
General Designer Improvements 1466
Connect 2019.2 DataMapping Improvements 1468
Added option to "Stop data mapping" 1468
General DataMapper Improvements 1468
Connect 2019.2 Output Improvements 1469
Runtime parameters added to Job Creation 1469
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