
Table Of Contents
The engines
DataMapper engine/s. A DataMapper engine extracts data from a data file. The number of
DataMapper engines is configurable (Engines preferences).
Merge engine/s. A merge engine merges data with a template using the scripts in the template,
in order to create (Print,Email or Web) content items.
The number of merge engines is configurable (see Engines preferences): it can be increased
depending on the capacity of the machine that runs the solution (see "Performance
considerations" on page34).
Weaver engine s. The Weaver engines create Print output from Print content items. It takes the
settings made in Print Presets or in the Print Wizard into account.
The number of Weaver engines is configurable as well (see Engines preferences).
The Proof Print function doesn't print via the Connect Server; it uses the Designer's
internal engines.
The Connect server receives REST commands (see The Connect REST API CookBook),
normally either via the Workflow service or from the Designer. This design allows the Connect
functionality to be used by other applications. The server forwards the commands to the
appropriate engine and returns the results to the caller. The results are the id's of the items
(records, content items, job etc.) that are stored in the Connect database (see below). All
Connect tasks except the Create Web Content task integrate the results in the Metadata in
The figure below shows the communication between Connect tasks and the Connect server in
a Print process.
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