
Table Of Contents
Sort on: Select a field on which to sort the data, in ascending (A-Z) or descending
(Z-A) order. Note that sorting is always textual. Even if the selected column has
numbers, it will be sorted as a text.
Microsoft Access
Password: Enter a password if one is required.
Table name: The selected database is a set of related tables composed of rows and
columns corresponding respectively to source records and fields. Select a table from
which you want to extract data.
Encoding: Choose the correct encoding to read the file.
Sort on: Select a field on which to sort the data, in ascending (A-Z) or descending
(Z-A) order. Note that sorting is always textual. Even if the selected column has
numbers, it will be sorted as a text.
ODBC Data Source
ODBC Source: Use the drop-down to select an ODBC System Data Source. This must
be a data source that has been configured in the 64-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator,
as PlanetPress Connect is a 64-bit application and thus cannot access 32-bit data
This ODBC source is MSSQL: Check this option if the ODBC source is MSSQL (SQL
Server). The options below appear under MSSQL-ODBCadvanced configuration:
Windows authentication: Select to use the Windows user name and password that
are used by the Connect Service.
SQL Server authentication: Select to use the User name and Password set below
to connect to the SQL Server:
User name: Enter the SQL Server user name.
Password: Enter the password for the above user name.
Sort on: Select a field on which to sort the data, in ascending (A-Z) or descending
(Z-A) order. Note that sorting is always textual. Even if the selected column has
numbers, it will be sorted as a text.
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