
Table Of Contents
On text: Triggers a new page in the Data Sample when a specific string is found in
a certain location.
Word to find: Compares the text value with the value in the data source.
Match case: Activates a case sensitive text comparison.
Location: Choose Selected area or Entire width to use the value of the
current data selection as the text value.
Left/Right: Use the spin buttons to set the start and stop columns to the
current data selection (Selected area) in the record.
Lines before/after: This option places the delimiter a certain number of lines
before or after the current line. This is useful if the text that triggers the
delimiter is not on the first line of each page.
Text from right to left: Sets the writing direction of the data source to right-to-left.
Expand tabs to spaces: Replaces tabs with the given number of spaces.
Ignore CR/LF at end of file: Instructs the DataMapper to ignore the CR, LF or CR/LF
characters when they are the last characters in a file. This prevents the addition of an
unintended trailing record when the data mapping configuration is set up to cut on every
XML File Input Data settings
For an XML file you can either choose to use the root node, or select an element type, to create
a new delimiter every time that element is encountered.
Use root element: Selects the top-level element. No other boundaries can be set. If there
is only one top-level element, there will only be one record.
Use specific element: Displays a list containing all the elements in the XML file.
Selecting an element causes a new page of data to be created every time an instance of
this element is encountered.
Use XPath: Enter an XPath to create a delimiter based on the node name of elements.
For example: ./*[starts-with(name(),'inv')] sets a delimiter after every
element of which the name starts with 'inv'. Note that starts-with() is an XPath
function. For an overview of XPath functions, see Mozilla: XPath Functions.
The XPath may also contain JavaScript code. In order to use JavaScript:
The XPath must start with =
The entire JavaScript statement must be enclosed in curly brackets: { ... }
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