
Table Of Contents
Use selected text button: copies the text in the current selection as the one to
compare to it.
Match case: Makes the text comparison case sensitive.
On script: Defines the boundaries using a custom JavaScript. For more information
see "Setting boundaries using JavaScript" on page401.
XML file boundaries
The delimiter for an XML file is a node. The Boundaries determine how many of those nodes go
in one record. This can be a specific number, or a variable number if the boundary is to be set
when the content of a specific field or attribute within a node changes (for example when the
invoice_number field changes in the invoice node).
Record limit: Defines how many records are displayed in the Data Viewer. This does not
affect output production; when generating output, this option is ignored. To disable the
limit, use the value 0 (zero).
Trigger: Defines the type of rule that controls when a boundary is set, creating a new
On Element: Defines a new record on each new instance of the XML element
selected in the Input Data settings.
Occurrences: The number of times that the element is encountered before
fixing the boundary.
On Change: Defines a new record when a specific field or attribute in the XML
element has a new value.
Field: Displays the fields and (optionally) attributes in the XML element. The
value of the selected field determines the new boundaries.
Also extract element attributes: Check this option to include attribute values
in the list of content items that can be used to trigger a boundary.
Data samples
The Data Sample area displays a list of all the imported Data Samples that are available in the
current data mapping configuration. As many Data Samples as necessary can be imported to
properly test the configuration.
Only one of the data samples - the active data sample - is shown in the Data Viewer.
Page 350