
Table Of Contents
Current Locale Settings:Shows dates and times as formatted by Windows using
the current Locale of the system on which Connect runs. All values are shown as a
date including a time.
ISO 8601 (UTC):Uses the ISO 8601 (UTC) format to display dates and times. All
values are shown as a date including a time, taking the time zone into account. Note
that when no time was specified with a date in the original file, the default time
(12.00 AM) is used and converted; this may influence the displayed date.
Some Korean and Chinese date formats can't be parsed yet, and won't display
correctly with any of these settings.
External JS Libraries
Right-clicking in the box brings up a control menu, with the same options as are available
through the buttons on the right.
Add : Add a new external library. Use the standard Open dialog to browse and open
the .js file.
Delete : Remove the currently selected library from the data mapping configuration.
Replace : Open a library and replace it with the contents of a different js file.
Reload : Reload the currently selected library and any changes that have been made
to it.
Default Data Format
The Default Data Format settings defined here apply to any new extraction in made in the
current data mapping configuration. Any format already defined for an existing field remains
It is also possible to set a default format for dates and currencies in the user preferences
("DataMapper preferences" on page832).
Specific settings for a field that contains extracted data are made via the properties of the
Extract step that the field belongs to (see "Editing fields" on page293).
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