
Table Of Contents
XPath: The path to the XML field that is extracted.
Use selection: Click to use the value of the current data selection for the extraction.
If the selection contains multiple lines, only the first line is selected.
Post Function: Enter a JavaScript expression to be run after the extraction. For example
replace("-","") would replace a single dash character inside the extracted string.
Use JavaScript Editor: Click to display the Script Editor dialog.
Trim: Select to trim empty characters at the beginning or the end of the field.
Data Format
Format settings can be defined in three places: in the user preferences ("DataMapper
preferences" on page832), the current data mapping configuration ("Data format settings" on
page253) and per field via the Step properties.
Any format settings specified per field are always used, regardless of the user preferences or
data source settings.
Data format settings tell the DataMapper how to read and parse data from the data
source. They don't determine how these data are formatted in the Data Model or in a
template. In the Data Model, data are converted to the native data type. Dates, for
example, are converted to a DateTime object. How they are displayed in the Data Model
depends on the current operating system's regional settings.
Negative Sign Before : A negative sign will be displayed before any negative value.
Decimal Separator : Set the decimal separator for a numerical value.
Thousand Separator: Set the thousand separator for a numerical value.
Currency Sign : Set the currency sign for a currency value.
Date Format : Set the date format for a date value.
Page 366