
Table Of Contents
Method that retrieves the value currently stored in a variable.
Boundary variables are carried over from one iteration of the Boundaries script to the next, while
native JavaScript variables are not.
String name of the variable from which the value is to be retrieved. If the variable does not
exist, the value null is returned. It is considered good practice (almost mandatory, even) to
always check whether a variable is defined before attempting to access its value.
Sets a new DataMapper record boundary.
Sets a new record boundary. The delimiters parameter is an offset from the current delimiter,
expressed in an integer that represents a number of delimiters.
If this parameter is not specified, then a value of 0 is assumed. A value of 0 indicates the
record boundary occurs on the current delimiter.
A negative value of -n indicates that the record boundary occurred -n delimiters before the
current delimiter.
A positive value of n indicates that the record boundary occurs +n delimiters after the current
Specifying a positive value not only sets the DataMapper record boundary but it also advances the
current delimiter to the specified delimiter. That's where the processing resumes. This allows you to
skip some pages/records when you know they do not need to be examined. Negative (or 0) values
simply set the boundary without changing the current location.
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