
Table Of Contents
getResponseBody() Returns the full response body of the last
HTTP request.
setRequestBody(String requestBody) Sets the HTTP request body (for POST
and PUT).
getPassword() Gets the password for HTPP basic
setPassword(String password) Sets the password for HTPP basic
getTimeout() Gets the time to wait for the server's
setTimeout(int timeout) Sets the time (in ms.) to wait for the
server's response.
getUsername() gets the username for basic HTTP
setUsername(String userName) sets the username for basic HTTP
abort() Aborts the request.
Function that creates a file with a unique name in the temporary work folder and returns a file
object. This file stores data temporarily in memory or in a buffer. It is used to prevent multiple
input/output access to a physical file when writing. In the end, the contents are transferred to a
physical file for which only a single input/output access will occur.
In the following script, the contents of the data sample file are copied in uppercase to a
temporary file.
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