
Table Of Contents
A Web context with one web page template (also called a section) in it. The web page
contains a Header, a Section and a Footer element with dummy text, and depending on
the type of web page, a navigation bar, button and/or Form elements.
l Resources related to the Foundation framework (see "Web Template Wizards" on the
next page): style sheets and JavaScript files. The style sheets can be found in the
Stylesheets folder on the Resources pane. The JavaScript files are located in the
JavaScript folder on the Resources pane, in a Foundation folder.
A collection of Snippets in the Snippets folder on the Resources pane. The Snippets
contain ready-to-use parts to build the web page. Double-click to open them. See
"Snippets" on page737 for information about using Snippets.
l Images: icons, one picture and one thumbnail picture. Hover your mouse over the names
of the images in the Images folder on the Resources pane to get a preview.
The Wizard opens the Web section, so that you can fill it with text and other elements; see
"Content elements" on page628, "Web Context" on page545 and "Web pages" on page547.
Web pages can be personalized just like any other type of template; see "Variable Data" on
page801 and "Personalizing content" on page786.
Use the Outline pane at the left to see which elements are present in the template and to
select an element.
Use the Attributes pane at the right to see the current element's ID, class and some other
Use the Styles pane next to the Attributes pane to see which styles are applied to the
currently selected element.
Click the Edges button on the toolbar t emporarily adds a frame to certain elements on
the Design tab. These will not .Print or output.
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