
Table Of Contents
Click the Edges button on the toolbar t emporarily adds a frame to certain elements on
the Design tab. These will not .Print or output.
If you have started creating your Capture OnTheGo template using a COTG Template Wizard, you
can find ready-made elements in the Snippets folder on the Resources pane.
This page clarifies the difference between Internal, External and Web resources that may be
used in a template, and explains how to refer to them in HTML and in scripts.
Internal resources
Internal resources are files that are added to and saved with the template.
To add images, fonts, style sheets, and snippets to your template, you can drag or copy/paste
them into the Resources Pane. See also: "Images" on page724, "Snippets" on page737,
"Styling templates with CSS files" on page743 and "Fonts" on page779.
Resource files can also be dragged or copy/pasted out of the the application to save them on a
local hard drive.
Alternatively you could import resources and scripts from another template; click File >Import
Resources... in the menu and select a template to import resources from (see ).
Once added or imported, internal resources are accessed using a relative path, depending
where they're called from. Resources can be located in the following folders:
l images/ contains the files in the Images folder.
l fonts/ contains the files in the Fonts folder.
l css/ contains the files in the Stylesheets folder.
l js/ contains the files in the JavaScripts folder.
l snippets/ contains the files in the Snippets folder.
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