
Table Of Contents
1. Select the part of the text that you want to make conditional.
Right-click the selected text and click Wrap in span.
Type an ID and/or a class. An ID is fine if this is the only thing that should be shown or
hidden on a given condition. Use a class if there is more that should be shown or hidden
on the same condition.
Start creating a conditional content script from the Scripts pane. Use the ID or class as
the selector of the script. See "Showing or hiding elements using the Conditional Content
Script wizard" on page810.
Conditional Print sections
You can include or exclude entire Print sections from the output, depending on a field’s value.
This can be done using the Conditional Print Section Script Wizard, described below.
Alternatively you could write a Control Script (see "Control Scripts" on page885).
Including or excluding Print sections using the Conditional Print Section Script wizard
Right-click the section and click Make Conditional.
Alternatively click the black triangle on the New button on the Scripts pane at the bottom
left of the window, and click Conditional Print Section Script. Double-click the new
script to open the Conditional Print Section Script wizard.
2. Rename the script so that it reflects what the script does.
3. Select the section you want to put a condition on.
Set the Action: Print or Skip that is performed when the condition below is true. The
opposite action is applied when the condition returns false.
Click the downward pointing arrow next to Datafield, to select the data field that should
be evaluated.
Click the downward pointing arrow next to Condition to expand the list of conditions with
which the data field can be evaluated. The options are: Equal to, Not equal to,
Contains, Does not contain, Begins with, Ends with.
Type the Value or values that should be used for the conditional check. Each additional
value should go on a new line. The action is performed if the condition evaluates to true
with one of the given values.
Dates should be entered in ISO standard notation (yyyy-mm-dd).
Values are case sensitive, unless the option Case insensitive is checked.
You could check whether the Province field is 'Equal To' the value Qbec, in order to
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