
Table Of Contents
Username: Enter the username to authenticate to the Print Server.
Default is ol-admin. This is set on the server's "Security Settings" on page141.
Password: Enter the password to authenticate to the Print Server.
Default is secret.
Confirm Password: Re-enter the password above.
Print Measurements preferences
Units: Use the drop-down to specify the default measurements system used for
dimensions of the template and boxes. In addition it defines the coordinates/position of
box elements.
The default unit will be added automatically when geometry values are entered without a
unit in the Attributes pane or in the Box Properties dialog.
l Flip insert guide axis: Check this option to flip the axis on which guides are inserted.
Normally, dragging a guide from a horizontal ruler inserts a horizontal guide (see
"Guides" on page760). With this option checked, dragging a guide from a horizontal ruler
inserts a vertical guide.
The Print preferences also provides you with buttons to :
Test Print Server URL. This button is only available for the General Print Preferences. It
tests the Print Server URL settings made within that Preferences page.
l Restore Defaults. This option restores the preferences to Defaults. This applies to the
current Preferences page only, but not other Preferences.
Apply: This option applies the settings made within the current Preferences page, but
does not close the Preferences dialog.
Project Wizards preferences
Project Wizard deployment settings
Workflow Configurations
Encoding: By default, "Project Wizards" on page973 set the encoding of the
Workflow configuration that they create to the encoding of the system on which the
Designer runs (system default).
If Workflow runs on another machine, and that system has a different active code
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