
Table Of Contents
Alternatively, you can download custom plug-ins from this link onto the new computer.
Once you've copied your PlanetPress Suite Workflow configurations to Connect Workflow, you
can confirm their availability through the Plug-in Bar Uncategorized category. There you will
find all the Custom plug-ins that have been installed.
Missing plug-ins will be represented in Workflow steps through the use of a "?" icon. Such as in
the following image, which shows that the "TelescopingSortPlugin" is not installed.
To import a plugin:
Click on the popup control ( ) in the Plug-in bar.
Select Import Plugin
3. Browse to the location of the plug-in DLL file
4. Click on Open.
The new plug-in should appear in the Plug-in Bar Uncategorized category.
Configuring PlanetPress Connect Workflow 8
l Reconfigure any settings that may need to be applied to the PlanetPress Suite
Messenger and PlanetPress Workflow Tools LPD services using the Access Manager.
l All PostScript and TrueType host based fonts must be reinstalled. Make sure you restart
the computer after this step.
l If necessary, reconfigure local ODBC connections. (i.e. create local copies of databases
or recreate required DSN entries)
l Manually install all external executables that will be referenced by the Connect Workflow
processes in the configuration file. If possible, retain the local path structure as used on
the older installation.
l If the Windows "TCP/IP Print Server" service is running on the new computer, it is
recommended that you disable the Server so that it does not interfere with the
PlanetPress LPD/LPR services.
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